We gives below the various options available to you to get permanent solutions for your burning problems and you may choose any one or as many options as you require. The charges are nominal and your satisfaction is guaranteed!
All the following analysis and suggestions comes with your Vedic Horoscope Chart free, that you can use for your future reference.
#1 Specific Questions on Love ,Marriage, Relationship, Career or Business This option would allow you to ask any question regarding any area of your life like, Love, Marriage, relationship, Career, Business, Spiritual pursuits, Money , Wealth or any thing related your present or future life. The report answers a maximum of 3 queries in precise and focused manner and would be of 750-900 words . It also comes with the Vedic horoscope cast as per the details given by you.It costs you $30/
You Must furnish the following details While making the payment
Date of Birth
Time of Birth
Place of birth with district/City , State Country.
Your Questions.
Email Id.
You would be receiving the readings within 7 Days of receipt of payment , in PDF File via E mail which could be downloaded into your P.C.
Make a payment below for a detailed analysis by Menon on Love, Romance, Marriage Career/Business/Any other ( Cost $30/only).
Payment below via Paypal . You dont require a Paypal account to make the payment . Use Credit card/Debit card/Net Banking
#2 Whole Life Reading
This is a detailed reading on the chart coevring all aspects of life like health,Love,Career,business property, major transit results,The readings also includes Combinations, Major dasas (Main period)Gem suggestions and other remedies. You can ask a maximum of five questions that you feel important to you, all of which will be answered.It also includes Your Vedic Horoscope in PDF format.
Your whole life reading comes with your Vedic Horoscope Chart cast based on the time, place and date of birth given by you. The report is of approximately 1000-1500 words covering all the major areas of life with remedies
This is especially good for people who are at cross roads of their life and do not know where to proceed or facing serious problems in life.. This detailed analysis would give you lasting solutions with clear cut instructions and very effective and potent remedies.
And you know it costs you just $75/ and no further charges. The chart and the reading comes to you in PDF format and can be down loaded into your PC.
You need to furnish the following details While making the payment
Date of Birth
Time of Birth
Place of birth with district/City , State Country.
Your Questions.
Email Id.
You would be receiving the readings within 7 Days of receipt of payment , in PDF File via E mail which could be downloaded into your P.C.
Payment of $ 75/ below via Paypal to Get Your Life Readings by Menon . You dont require a Paypal account to make the payment . Use Credit card/Debit card/Net Banking
You will witness visible changes in your life and would feel the difference in your approach to the Problems !!.
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